Exemplary Energy Partners are trading divisions of Exemplary Investments Pty Ltd.
Founded in 1989, Energy Partners merged with Energy Strategies and Chalkley Consulting
in 1999 to serve as a division of Energy Strategies Pty Ltd until early 2009.
Initiated a Real Time Year (RTY) weather data service for advanced simulation and building energy system maintenance applications in June 2013.
Carried out a wide range of Energy Efficiency reviews for BCA Section J compliance purposes including advanced simulation techniques under
verification 3 methodology (JV3) using DesignBuilder and EnergyPlus software packages to allow cost effective solutions as a client saving
relative to the costs associated with the blunt Deemed To Satisfy (DTS) methodology. (ongoing)
Provided tailored climate data sets for private clients including real time weather data for ongoing system performance checking, forecast
future climate data and extreme weather sets for concept testing at the design stage (ongoing).
Provided a domestic scale design and documentation service for new and existing dwellings with a theme of passive solar attributes and energy
efficiency using low environmental impact materials and techniques (ongoing from 2001).
Produced a revised and expanded edition of the Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook (ASRDH) and its associated software AUSOLRAD to
incorporate 80 locations, updated climate data and tables for clear sky conditions. (in process).
Produced ersatz future climate data files for use in the design of buildings and assessment of their energy consumptions for 80 locations
around. Future climates for 2030 and 2050 were based upon climate model predictions supplied by CSIRO for a range of GHG emission scenarios
Using advanced thermal simulation techniques, evaluated the household heating energy savings of specialised Luxaflex insulating window
furnishings for Hunter Douglas (2013).
Using advanced thermal simulation techniques including detailed 2-D modelling of heat flux and temperature gradients for edge effects,
evaluated the performance of several novel floor constructions and fan-assisted heat distribution techniques for innovative clients in the
building industry (2012 and 2013).
Provided detailed solar radiation data for 100 locations to the Clean Energy Council (CEC) for application by its members in PV system sizing
in accordance with the CEC�s Guidelines: �Grid-connected solar PV systems (no battery storage) Design guidelines for accredited installers�
In association with Pitt and Sherry, Davis Langdon, Engineering Solutions Tasmania and Energy Efficient Strategies, prepared the benefit cost
analysis of increasing the energy efficiency of new buildings in a project for the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE)
called Pathway to 2020 for Increased Stringency in New Building Energy Efficiency Standards. In that project Energy Partners simulated the
performance of an archetypical three-storey office and a supermarket at current (BCA 2010) standards, a 40% improvement, a 70% improvement and
a nett zero energy version incorporating on site renewable energy generation. This analysis covered all 8 capital cities and included the
sizing and cost of peak load effects as well as the reductions in annual energy consumption. (2011)
In association with Centre for International Economics (CIE) and Pitt and Sherry,
contributed to the report for Master Builders Australia
"Energy-efficiency: building code star-ratings - What�s optimal, what�s not".
This work included the costing of enhancements to the construction of houses and simulating
their impacts including those associated with improved heaters, coolers and ductwork
which are not included in the NatHERS software or rating scheme. (2010)
Produced ersatz future weather files for use in the design of buildings and assessment of their
energy consumptions across a selection of locations around Australia for the Department of the
Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA). Future climates for 2030 and 2050 were based
upon climate model predictions supplied by CSIRO for a range of GHG emission scenarios and
the impacts on buildings estimated by simulations using EnergyPlus for offices and AccuRate for housing. (2010)
In association with Pitt and Sherry, carried out assessment of the effects of an updated set of
weather files on house energy star rating bands for 12 new climate zones across Australia using
AccuRate for the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA). (2010)
In association with Viridis E3, undertook performance analyses of archetypical office buildings
in 12 locations covering all 8 BCA climates to establish any regulation-useful alignment of
the Building Code of Australia (Section J) and NABERS Energy (4-stars commitment agreement)
for the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. (2009).
Using advanced thermal simulation techniques, evaluated the energy savings
of specialised Luxaflex insulating window furnishings for Hunter Douglas (2009).
In association with Fenestralia, undertook performance analyses of a wide range
of window systems and house designs in 17 archetypical climates in both standard
and "worst case" (no eaves or window furnishings) formats. From the results of those
simulations, developed algorithms
for describing the effective performance of those window systems. (2009).
Participated as a team member on the project for the Australian Department of
Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) and the
New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA)
to develop house sustainability
rating tools based on the house energy rating tool AccuRate. (2009)
Undertook an energy audit and benchmark analysis on a resort heated
and enclosed swimming pool in Jindabyne, NSW, altitude 900 m. (2009)
Produced a revised and expanded edition of the Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook
(ASRDH) and its associated software AUSOLRAD to incorporate 80 locations,
updated climate data and tables for clear sky conditions. (in process).
Under the overall project to prepare an ANZHERS based on the Australian house
energy rating software AccuRate, validated the new NFRC version of the software
and provided a sample of performance results for the team to set the star bands (2009).
Provided tailored climate data sets for private clients including real time weather data
for ongoing system performance checking, forecast future climate data and extreme weather
sets for concept testing at the design stage (ongoing).
Provided a domestic scale design and documentation service for new and existing dwellings
with a theme of passive solar attributes and energy efficiency using low environmental
impact materials and techniques (ongoing from 2001).
Updated and enhanced the Australian Climatic Data Bank (ACDB) for the Australian
Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) to specifications
set by CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology expanding the set to 80 locations
and preparing the MakeACDB software and map for ongoing use (2008)
In association with Collins Caddaye Architects, prepared a review of the potential
to enhance the sustainability of a large heritage-listed house in Canberra (2008).
Carried out bulk simulations (energy efficiency ratings) for new homes in Adelaide
for a project home builder wanting to optimise the energy efficiency of the design set offered (2008).
Carried out a 5 Star Evaluation study for Sustainability Victoria where a range of
builders' 4 star designs were optimally upgraded to 5 star standard using FirstRate4
to maximise their cost effectiveness in light of actual market constraints of client
acceptability and cost (2008)
Peer reviewed the climate data sets prepared by others for use in New Zealand
for the Australian and New Zealand House Energy Rating Scheme (ANZHERS).
Team members included Brett Stokes (Adelaide Applied Algebra),
Dr Mike Donn (Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
and Drury Crawley (Department of Energy, USA) (2008).
Scoped the potential of the existing buildings and grounds and developed
a brief to prepare a renewable energy plan for the Wollongong and Innovation
Campuses of the University of Wollongong (2008).
Advised ActewAGL on projected electricity costs to 2050 comparing a range of scenarios
for the cost of carbon emissions and mandatory renewable energy target fractions as they
might impact the costs and infrastructure selections for new water supply options
for Canberra, some of which have large pumping energy implications (2007).
Prepared a detailed analysis for the Environmental Defender's Office of the embodied and
operational energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and water consumptions of a high-rise mixed use
development proposed for inner Sydney. That report was presented as evidence in the
NSW Land and Environment Court (Proceedings No 40186 of 2007) in July 2007.
Using the Deemed to Satisfy and alternative verification methods, established the compliance
of novel commercial and residential buildings with the energy efficiency provisions (Section J)
of the BCA for clients in Canberra including Rolfe BMW, Rolfe Audi, Rolfe Honda,
Oasis Leisure Centre, Manny Landmark Centre and Mirinjani Nursing Home (ongoing).
Prepared a regulatory impact statement for the NT Department of Planning and Infrastructure,
for the possible application of the energy provisions of the BCA in the NT. This work was
done in association with Artcraft Research (householder surveys), QS Services (cost advice),
and BRANZ (economic analysis) and covered provisions for housing and
commercial/institutional buildings in BCA climate zones 1 (Darwin) and 3 (Alice Springs). (2007)
For the Commonwealth's Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator,
in association with the ANU's Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems,
analysed and reported on the impact of sun-tracking and radiation concentrating systems
on the outputs (and hence the deemed RECs) of small photovoltaic systems (2007).
For the Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation,
analysed sets of timber floored dwellings to generate rules-of-thumb for improving existing
designs with a 4-star energy rating to enable them to meet the new 5-star requirements of the
BCA in all 8 BCA climate zones and all Australian capital cities (2006).
The report was published at www.fwprdc.org.au in November 2006.
Updated and enhanced the Australian Climatic Data Bank (ACDB) for the
Australian Greenhouse Office to specifications set by CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology
for use in building and engineering energy simulation software through the creation of
Typical Meteorological Years (TMY) for 69 locations within Australia (2005).
Mapped those 69 "climate zones" for application in house energy rating software (2007).
Enhanced the Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook (ASRDH) and its associated software
AUSOLRAD by expanding its electronic data handling potential and adopting the more reliable
data collected since 1986 (2005). Subsequently, prepared the resultant report and tables
for publication and distributed these under contract with the publisher,
ANZSES (2006) - www.anzses.org.
In an integrated trial and validation process for the Australian Greenhouse Office and in liaison
with the CSIRO, tested the 2nd Generation NatHERS software (AccuRate) by generating comparison
file "triplets" in FirstRate, NatHERS and AccuRate of over 150 dwellings and analysed their
"ratings" in all 28 NatHERS climate zones. For each of those homes, uninsulated and thermally
enhanced versions were created to extend the range of house types to ensure validation for use
in rating poorly performing old stock and high performing new stock. In all, nine software
versions of each dwelling were simulated in 28 climates making almost 40,000 simulations run and
analysed (2003-6).
As a special project in the validation of AccuRate, surveyed in detail 15 homes in the
Canberra climate and simulated their households' heating and cooling energy consumptions
using real-time weather data pre-processed to the ACDB format for use in the software (2006).
In association with Syneca Pty Ltd, provided detailed simulation and advice services
to the Australian Building Codes Board for the revising of the Regulatory Impact Statement
for the proposed tightening of the energy provisions for housing (Class 1 buildings)
in the BCA to take effect in May 2006.
For the Australian Greenhouse Office, provided a detailed analysis of the cost effectiveness
and GHG emissions of the full range of water heating systems currently significant in the
housing stock and/or in the sales of new appliances (2005).
In association with Arup Facade Engineering, applied the current version of the
2nd Generation NatHERS software and the sample set of 471 dwellings to establish
Heating and Cooling Caps for application in the BASIX residential approval website
in NSW to restrict approval to those designs that are not heavily skewed in their energy
efficiency to either the heating or cooling seasons (2005).