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Renewable solar wind hydro energy system design and simulation

Energy Partners provides advice ranging from policy through to detailed system design for renewable energy installations and prepared the Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook (ASRDH) and its companion software package AUSOLRAD for the Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES) in 2006. The solar-electric design software packages PV-SPS and PV-GC are both based on the ASRDH data under a license agreement with JP Energy.

Energy Partners participates in Renewable Energy Design projects throughout Australia.

  • Provided solar radiation data to the Clean Energy Council (CEC) for its solar PV design tool (2012).
  • Renewable Energy Plan for the University of Wollongong (2007, commercial in confidence).
  • The changed-climate weather data creation and simulation of its effects on solar power systems, solar water heaters and commercial and residential buildings in "An Assessment of the Need to Adapt Buildings for the Unavoidable Consequences of Climate Change" - click here (PDF - 2M) to download the Australian Greenhouse Office report and here to download a paper on creating changed-climate weather data.
  • The feasibility study for the proposed Briagolong Solar Power Station in Gippsland, Victoria. Click here to download the Report to the Wellington Shire Council under the name Energy Strategies (PDF - 2M).
  • The Australian Solar Radiation Data Handbook (ASRDH) and its companion software package AUSOLRAD. Click here for more details (cover and contents) and contact us to purchase.
  • The report on "Sun-Tracking and Concentrating Photovoltaic Systems" for the Commonwealth Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator (2007, commercial in confidence).
  • The report on renewable energy use and costs in Canberra's water and sewerage systems to ActewAGL (2006, commercial in confidence).